Mushroom fry

Mushroom fry with mealworms

>> Some foods pair better with each other than others. The soft texture of mushrooms and the crispiness of worms go quite well together. Mushroom fry – recipe.

Mushroom fry with mealworms

mushroom fry with mealworms recipe

Ingredients for 3 servings:

2 tablespoons of lard
2 onions
1 small carrot
2 cloves of garlic
0.5 kg of fresh mushrooms
1/2 cup of live mealworms
cumin, turmeric, salt, ground pepper


  1. Blanch the mealworms in hot water, clean the mushrooms, and cut them into larger pieces.
  2. In a pan, heat the lard and start sautéing the thinly sliced onion and carrot.
  3. Once the onions are golden, add the mushrooms. Season with salt and pepper, and add cumin for an interesting flavor, perhaps a pinch of turmeric. Evaporate all the moisture from the mushrooms on maximum heat on the stove.
  4. Once the water is gone, and the mixture starts frying again, it is essential to constantly stir and flip to thoroughly fry the mushrooms without burning.
  5. A few minutes before the end, reduce the temperature and add the minced garlic and the mealworms. Fry for only a short while under constant stirring until the worms absorb the flavor, as they are tiny and quickly burn.
  6. You can serve the mushroom sauté in various ways; some people like it on garlic toast, others may prefer it as a side dish with meat and rice.

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