Insect fertilizer Frass

40 500 

Insect frass falls into the category of natural “commodity” fertilizers, as it is a waste product from the breeding of farm animals, in this case, mealworms. It is supplied without any additives. Unlike other commodity fertilizers, it is dry, odorless, and does not attract insects. On the contrary, it acts as a repellent for most insect pests, helping to get rid of, for example, aphids. Frass is the most ecologically friendly and at the same time the healthiest fertilization for your plants!

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Frass is an organic NPK fertilizer obtained from insect excrement. This fertilizer is considered natural and environmentally friendly because it doesn’t contain synthetic chemicals. It has several advantages for plant cultivation:

Organic Origin: Frass is 100% of natural origin, and no chemicals are used in its production. This makes it suitable for organic farming and for those who prefer a natural approach to plant cultivation.

High Nutrient Content: Frass contains essential nutrients for plants, such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). These nutrients are vital for plant growth and development.

Chitin for Pest Control: One of the positive aspects of frass is its chitin content, which can help plants combat pests, such as aphids. Chitin can hinder the digestion and absorption of food by pests, protecting plants from damage.

Suitable for Various Plant Types: Frass can be used for garden plants, plants grown in greenhouses, and even indoor plants. It is a versatile fertilizer for various types of cultivated plants.

Natural Form: Frass is sorted and packaged in its natural form, preserving its natural structure as much as possible. This has a positive impact on soil microorganisms and overall soil health.


Usage Options:

Mixing: Mix 1 kg of frass with 25 kg of soil.

Topdressing: Sprinkle a thin layer of frass (approximately 1 kg per 10 m² of bed) and water it.

Liquid Fertilizer: Dissolve frass in liquid fertilizer (one tablespoon per 2 liters of liquid fertilizer), let it sit for an hour before use, and apply several times a year.


Mineral Content of Frass:

Nitrogen (N) 3.1%, Phosphorus (P2O5) 3.8%, Potassium (K2O) 2.3%, Magnesium 0.6%, Sulfur (S) 0.2%, Calcium (Ca) 0.2%

Note: Percentage values may vary slightly depending on the type of feed used.




Detailed Analysis of the Impact of Frass on Soil Chemical Composition and pH – YouTube:

Frass - vliv na chemické složení půdy

>> More about the environmental and health benefits of consuming insects

>> How to cultivate mealworms at home

>> Supplies for insect farming

Weight1 kg
Dimensions35 × 15 × 15 cm

1 kg, 5 kg, 20 kg

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