Edible insects – mealworm farm – website about farming with edible insects and benefits of their consumption

edible insects mealworm farm

Edible insects – farming for everyone

It would be difficult to keep a cow or a chicken in an apartment – edible insects, on the other hand, i goes very easily!

As a farm animal, insects are basically every farmer’s dream. Imagine that you pour half a ton of wheat bran into a 2×2 meters sty and then just a few carrots or potatoes every other day, and in two months a healthy quarter-ton pig will run out of it. No noise, no unpleasant odors, no manure to deal with, and no veterinary or butcher expenses. Well, that’s something!

Sale of edible insects

Buy live mealworms from our online shop and discover creative ways to incorporate them into your cuisine!

(We sell edible insects only within the legislative framework of the so-called “sale from the yard” = only for the final consumer’s own consumption)

Become a farmer!

On this website, you will not only find detailed instructions on how to breed mealworms, but also recipes for real insect delicacies.

mealworm breeding lessons

Breeding lessons

Grow your own mealworm! >> Do something for your health and family budget! Mealworm larvae can be easily grown even in a city apartment. Here, in a few lessons,…

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Insect Burger Recipe

Cooking recipes

Healthy cuisine >> Edible insects are not only nutritional superfood but can also be transformed into true delicacies. It’s possible even without legs and antennae! The era of entomophagy…

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mealworm sorting of pupae and larvae

Farm supplies

15-25.8 2024 – Company holidays Your orders will be processed on 26.8.2024 Mealworm breeding >> The farmer gene has everyone. Rearing insects is very simple, just a few plastic…

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Mealworm farm Habrovany


Who are we? >> Mealworm farm Habrovany – edible insects and their promotion. Farming with mealworms – breeding lessons. Sale of eggs and live worms, farm supplies. Do you…

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insect farms in Czech Republic

Czech insect farms

Where to buy edible insects >> Just as we are used to buying eggs, poultry or even half a pig from a farmer, edible insects will soon have their own…

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Eating insects to save the planet!

Does a headline like this sound absurd or ludicrous to you? Regrettably, when we look ahead to the near future of our planet, we quickly realize that it’s no laughing matter.

insect extinction

Insect decline

Without insects, it won’t work! >> Insects are an indispensable binder of all soil, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. In the last 30 years, their population has declined by 80%….

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sustainable agriculture

Agriculture on drugs

Sustainable agriculture >> Brand BIO is not a fashion trend for the rich, it is the only possible future for our planet. Organic farmers are people who choose to…

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Dead ocean

Dead Ocean

The oceans are running out of breath! >> The plundering of the oceans damages the climate incomparably more than all the car industry combined – a dead ocean does…

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Eating to extinction

Eating to extinction?

Vegetarianism – disability or vision? >> Why do we love dogs, eat pigs and wear cows? The new trend in eating – the golden mean – is called flexitarianism…

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Edible Insects

Edible insects

Sustainable proteins >> There’s no time to build cultural barriers, the types of cars our ancestors drove, how they cultivated fields and what they ate will soon be a…

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Edible insects – mealworm farm

The alarming voices from various professional circles and their proposals for long-term systematic solutions to the situation are often not taken seriously. The astounding incompetence and shortsightedness of politicians can only be rivaled by the greed and ruthlessness of corporations. One fundamental truth emerges from this:

To save the planet, we must start by changing ourselves

It’s evident that politicians and corporations won’t take this initiative for us. The ongoing depletion of the planet’s resources may seem cost-free at first glance, but our children and their descendants will pay a steep price for it. Will our generation be remembered thousands of years from now as the one that irreparably harmed our planet?

So, what can we individually contribute? You can find a lot of the answers to this question on the pages of our website.

Insect decline >>

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Edible insects – mealworm farm

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